Use of cookies (detailed information)

This website uses cookies in order to guarantee the correct functioning and the best navigation possible. With a click on ‘Agree and close’ on the short information board (‘banner’) you consent to our use of cookies as indicated in the present information note.


Cookies are small text files that are sent by this website and allow the client (web browser) to save some information which may be used again on visiting or opening the website by the same user. The cookies are stored based on the user’s preferences on the single browser of the used device (PC, tablet, smartphone).

A cookie cannot retrieve any other data from the used device of the user.

Types of Cookies

Depending on the features and on the purpose of the use of cookies, there are two types of cookies:

Technical cookies

These cookies are essential for the correct functioning of the website; they can either be "persistant" or "session" cookies:

  • Session cookies are deleted after closing the session;
  • Persistant cookies are not deleted after closing the session and will remain valid until their set expiry date.

Cookies used on this website

Name Type Exp. time
_icl_current_language Language selection Session
cookie_notice_accepted This cookie only ever contains the value “true” indicating that you clicked on the “OK” button showed in the overlay cookie notice. It contains no personal information. Its purpose is to remember that you have previously agreed on our use of cookies; so that it doesn’t have to remind you about cookies every time you visit the website. 1 year
CONSENT (Terza parte) This cookie is used to transfer data to Google. 2 years
1P_JAR (Terza parte) This cookie is used to transfer data to Google. 7 days
NID, SID, HSID, PREF, APISID, SAPISID, SSID (Terza parte) Google uses cookies like the PREF, NID or SID cookie to individually adjust advertisements in Google products like the Google search. The cookies are used to capture, for instance, the Google newest searches, your former interaction with advertisements or the search results and your visits on websites of an advertiser. This way you receive individually customised advertisement on Google. 6 months


First-party and third-party cookies for analysis

These cookies are used for anonymous collection and analysis of traffic and usage of the website by the user. For example time spent on the website, geographical origin, pages visited, interests for marketing purposes.

Third-party cookies

These cookies integrate features (developed by third parties) into the website; for example the social plugin of the social networks as Facebook, for sharing the content of this website on the social networks’ pages. These cookies are generated by the corresponding websites.

Profiling cookies

These are cookies stored for a longer period of time in order to create user profiles and use them for promotional purposes. This website does not use any profiling cookies.

Handling and disabling cookies

The user can disable the usage of cookies on his/her browser. Please consider that the fact of disabling technical cookies can interfere with the usage of the website.

Internet Explorer:

This website contains information pursuant to art. 122 comma 2 of the D.lgs 196/2003 (Italian legislative decree) and the simplified provisions regarding the information and acquisition of consent for the usage of cookies published in the Gazzetta Ufficiale (Official Journal) no. 126 dated June 3rd 2014 and the corresponding list of measures no. 229 dated May 8th 2014.